Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Where's my child's work?

I know families loving seeing the art that their child makes and I thought I should explain a litte. After we make a project at school, you might see it right away. Sometimes we hold on to it to decorate our classroom and school. Each student will also make/receive a school year portfolio book, so some items you will not see until June.
In September and October, our theme was farm. Ms. Deb started this bulletin board, and we added projects to it throughout the five week theme. Each student made a pig, sheep, cow and chicken. A few of them went to live on our farm! Everyone in the school enjoyed walking by our display and seeing the work that was created!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hello everyone! Welcome to our classroom blog!

Hopefully you will enjoy coming here to see what is going on in our classroom. I will try to keep you informed about what we have and what we will be learning about in our classroom. I will not be posting student's names or photos of students faces on here because of confidentiality issues. You might see a hand or arm or leg you recognize though!

Feel free to share this with your other family members as well. Everyone likes to see what they favorite preschooler is doing at school!